A Short History of Piss In Art
by Dave Dyment, 2001
1. Arguably the most important artwork of the
20th century, Marcel Duchamp's Fountain
(1917) is an upturned porcelain urinal that he
purchased at a plumbing supply store, signed,
and exhibited. Much has been made about
Duchamp's use of "found objects" but little
connection has been made to its representation
of one of the earliest forms of self-expression.
2. Reading a Dadaist manifesto to a small crowd
in 1918, poet Tristan Tzara demands "the right
to piss in different colours."
3. Jackson Pollock, also known as "Jack the
Dripper," urinates in Peggy Guggenheim's
fireplace during a party. It has also been
suggested that Pollock was a bed wetter and
that his drip painting style references early
pissing contests he held with his family. No less
than five paintings by Pollock are titled Number1.
4. In 1958, a Parisian crowd of upwards of
3000 people pay $3 each to attend the
exhibition The Void by Yves Klein. The audience
is served a cocktail and led inside the gallery,
where they find only bare walls. The police are
called and a small riot ensues. The next day,
everyone who drank the cocktail pisses blue.
5. At the Festum Fluxorum in Dusseldorf, 1962,
Nam June Paik debuts his Fluxus Champion
Contest. A group of men stand in a circle and
urinate into a bucket while Paik stands nearby
with a stopwatch. The man who can continue the
longest is rewarded by the group singing his
national anthem. The first champion comes in at
just under a minute.
6. A 1968 score by artist Larry Miller called
Patina asks the performer to "urinate on an egg
until it has a nice patina or until it explodes."
7. In April 1970, at the Museum of Conceptual
Art in San Francisco (which he had founded
earlier in the year), Tom Marioni presented Piss
Piece. The artist stood atop a ladder and pissed
into a pail beneath him. The work was presented
as a sculpture. He later produced a similar
soundwork called Yellow Sound for Kandinsky
8. In the late seventies, Andy Warhol began
producing his Oxidation Painting series by having
young men come into his studio and piss on large
canvases prepared with copper paint. A parody
of Pollock, for certain, but just as likely chosen to
indulge Warhol's voyeuristic tendencies.
9. 1981: David Hammons is arrested for public
urination after territorial pissing on a steel
sculpture by Richard Serra. The series of
photographs documenting the event is titled
Pissed Off.
10. British art duo Gilbert and George explore
the idea of pissing as fraternity in many of their
large colour canvases, most clearly in 1983's
Friendship Pissing and Urinight, both images of
men pissing criss-cross.
11. Although his work regularly features bodily
fluids, such as menstrual blood and semen, when
Andres Serrano photographs a crucifix
submerged in a glass of urine in 1989 and titles
it Piss Christ, he sets off a storm of controversy.
In the months that follow, many opportunists
package their own piss products including Piss
Pope, Piss Bush, and (my favourite) Piss Don
12. For Piss Flowers, 1991, British artist Helen
Chadwick and her husband David Notarius urinate
into heaps of snow and produce twelve whiteenameled
bronze casts from the resulting
13. Tony Tasset's I Peed My Pants from 1994
is a life-size portrait of the artist confronting the
viewer with a large stain in the crotch of his khaki
pants. The expression on his face is one of both
defiance and shame, inverting the common
pissing-as-machismo theme.
14. In a show she curated from the permanent
collection of a decorative museum in 1994,
Sophie Calle places a red plastic bucket in a
cabinet of ancient chamber pots. A taped
recording explains the significance with a highly
personal and poignant story of her holding her
ex-husband's penis as he pees.
15. Combining his interest in architecture and
activism, Toronto artist Adrian Blackwell installs
Public Water Closet (1998), a public toilet placed
at the busy intersection of Spadina Avenue and
Queen Street West. The door is outfitted with a
two-way mirror, allowing the user to see outside
but not be seen.
16. In 1998, Janet Murray mounted a botanical
installation in the public restrooms of Toronto's
Metro Hall. The self-cleaning water systems of
the toilet and urinal provided the plant life with a
sustainable ecosystem.
17. Visiting the MoMA to give a lecture on High
Art/Low Art in the late nineties, Brian Eno
manages (through a narrow slit in the glass
display case) to piss in Duchamp's Fountain.

Andy Warhol : Pïss Paintings 1978
voir :
Yves Klein et son urine au bleu de methylène, 1958
et aussi :
Niagara Falls & Cranberry Leaves, Davide Balula, 2011
(Cocktail diurétique à base d'eau prélevée sur les Chutes du Niagara)
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