
Color the royal horse shit





"Before Charles and Di's Royal Wedding, the carriage horses were fed dyes so the horse manure would match the wedding's pastel color scheme and look fine on television."
in Apocalypse Postponed, Umberto Eco

For more visit Kate and William's wedding successful horses :

That color composition of our highness meadow muffins is also mentioned in the generous Little Book of Horse Poop by Becki Bell :

"The carriage horses employed for the wedding of Prince Charles & Lady Diana were fed pastel colored dyes so their manure would match the wedding's color scheme."

who adds :

"Horse poop is also inspirational. Just ask Ezra Pound, Friedrich Nietzsche, Billie Holiday and Hank Williams, who all had surprisingly profound things to say about horse poop—some of which were even poetic (though most weren't). "Humanity ..." says Ezra Pound, "is the waste and the manure and the soil, and from it grows the tree of the arts." Ah, lovely. "You got to have smelt a lot of mule manure before you can sing like a hillbilly," counters Hank Williams. Well, everyone has their own ideas about beauty.
Need some extra cash? That pile of manure in your backyard could be converted into a pile of gold (or maybe just a pile of pennies). If your horse is a champion, try auctioning off his poop on eBay. Why not? Shear L'Eau's poop sold for $1,392 on eBay (he won individual gold and team silver medals at the 2004 Olympics in Athens). Of course, that particular pile of gold medal poop went to charity, not into someone's pocket. If you want some cash for yourself—or to help pay your equine friend's expenses—try composting your manure pile and selling it to gardeners, who treasure the stuff for its use as fertilizer and deer-repellant (that's right, deer don't like the stuff any more than you do).

All of this bears remembering, as you trudge out into the muddy pasture, pitchfork in hand, to perform that most lowly and necessary task that all of us who are lucky enough to live with horses must. Horse poop is more than just the stuff that comes from the back side of your best friend. It's history, poetry and profit. It's fun. "

and crazy enough :

And in order to turn those royal natural colors back into paint,

From Girolamo Ruscelli, The secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemoun … London: By Iohn Kingstone for Nicolas Inglande, dwellinge in Poules churchyard, 1558. Transcribed and modernized by Marybeth Lavrakas, 2005.

A very goodly secret to dye or color wood, of what[ever] color a man will, which some Joiners do use that make tables and other things of divers colors, and do so esteem it among themselves to be of such excellency, that one brother will not teach it to another.

Take early in the morning new and fresh horse dung made that night [1],
and take of the moistest you can get, with the straw or litter and all, and lay upon some little sticks laid across one over another, and set some vessel underneath for to receive that [which] shall fall drop or fall from the said dung. And if you cannot have enough in one morning, do the like two or three times, or as often as you will.

Then when you have well drained out the water of the dung you shall put into every pot of the said water roche alum [2] the bigness of a bean,
and as much gum Arabic. [3]

Then steep what[ever] color you will in it, using divers vessels if you will have divers colors, and put in what pieces of wood you will, holding them at the fire or in the sun. And at each time pluck out some pieces and lay them apart, leaving the other in, for the longer you let them lie in the water, the more will the color adhere. And in this manner you shall have a great quantity of divers colors, the one clearer, the other darker, and may use it to your commodity, to what use you list, for they shall be colored both within and without, so that they will never lose their color neither by water or any other thing.
(pages 87-88)

[1]. Although stale urine was often used in the past when dyeing fabrics, this is the first time I've encountered dung in a dye recipe. According to Griffen Dyeworks, dung generally contains phosphates, carbonates, sulfates, chlorides, silicates, potassium, sodium, ammonium and fatty acids with a general 4.6 to 8.4 pH. I don't know yet what components of horse manure gave a positive contribution to dyeing wood.
[2]. Also "rock" alum, a particular type of alum that presumably came in pebble form rather than finely ground. Alum (Potassium aluminum sulfate) is a commonly used mordant that helps natural dyes bind to the fiber being dyed.
[3]. A plant resin used as a thickening agent.


see also:
Short history of piss on art (Klein and his blue piss piece 1958 etc.)

and vomiting colors:

Horse shit picture: DB

Jardin sur les toits de Paris

Une petite jardinière de légumes et herbes aromatiques à portée de main faite avec des palettes recyclées...

D'autres bien belles images de bouches à Paris :
Danielle Rubi / http://www.thetrailofcrumbs.com


Michel Journiac

Messe pour un corps:
6 novembre 1969, Galerie Templon, Paris
Février 1975, Galerie Stadler, film de Carole Rossopoulos

Action au cours de laquelle Michel Journiac fait communier le public d'une galerie avec
son propre sang préparé sous forme de boudin.
"Avec Messe pour un corps, Michel Journiac a fait faire à l’histoire de l’art son premier faux pas ;
il a ouvert une blessure incurable et n’a jamais manqué d’en approfondir toutes les conséquences."
François Pluchart


Prendre 90 cm3 de sang humain liquide (le contenu de trois seringues grand modèle),
90 g de gras animal, 90 g d'oignons crus, un boyau salé, ramolli à l'eau froide puis épongé,
8 g de sel, 5 g de "quatre-épices", 2 g d'aromates et de sucre en poudre…

source : http://www.journiac.com/

voir aussi l'artiste Tuur Van Balen

Glace, le sang

Des glaces au sang de proies pour rafraichir les tigres :

Source :


Frères de sang, amis de sang

A Common Vampire Bat, Desmodus rotundus, feeding on an animal.
Showcase of taxidermied animals, Natural History Museum, Vienna.

Quand le darwinisme nous oriente vers un égoïsme salvateur en cas de crise, certaines chauves-souris vampires font face aux périodes de famine en se nourrissant les unes les autres. Câlin d'ailes, baisers nourriciers, échanges de sang entre individus, et pas uniquement les membres de leur famille. Fascinant.
Ecouter le podcast:


La recette pour un bon tatouage de grand-mère bosniaque

"Les mères se sont mis à tatouer leurs enfants à la maison, en général avant leur dixième anniversaire. Le processus impliquait l’utilisation d’une aiguille rudimentaire et d’une solution spéciale faite de :

- charbon de bois,
- de crasse,
- de miel
- de lait maternel.

Le lait maternel utilisé devait venir d’une femme ayant déjà eu un garçon."

Source : Vice FR 


Passer de

Claude Monet, Still Life: Quarter of Beef (Nature morte : le quartier de viande vers), c.1864
oil on canvas, 24 x 33 cm, Musée d’Orsay, Paris


ou de

Luis Meléndez, Piece of Salmon, Lemon and three Vessels, 1772
oil on canvas, 42 x 62 cm, Museo del Prado


puis ça :

C'est la grosse classe :



David Shrigley, Hot Dog, 2002
30 x 40 cm, Photograph on paper, edition of 10


Merci à J. Trotta

Mark Beasley : Ice melt, 2010 (Battery tester)

Mark Beasley
Ice melt, 2010

A Battery tester showing a melting of an ice cube.

Check other works by Mark Beasley

Note : Would be awesome to invert the process and generate energy from the melting of an ice.

Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade, 1000 Bouteilles de champagnes pulvérisées, 2008

Mangez equilibré

Interprétation des données actualisées par différents centres de recherches sur les nutriments favorables à la meilleure santé mais aussi (suivant la force de gravité sur les ballons, ce qu'il faudrait surveiller pour rester en forme...)
Par David McCandless et Andy Perkins

Excellente Source : http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/2010/snakeoil-scientific-evidence-for-health-supplements/

à noter : Les commentaires mentionnent quelques imprecisions mais l'idée est là et le projet superbe.

Section Amour : Morceaux choisis

Extraits musicaux :
- Les sauces pour frites belges aux Halles de Schaerbeek, 2004 : Samourai.mp3
- Page d'agneau du Consortium, 2005 : Lambsbook.mp3
- La soupe de tortue de la Fondation Cartier, 2005 : Soupedetortue.mp3




Section Amour is the spontaneous and official emergence of Evenement! All Stars, the formerly informal union of musical forces gathered around the Mille Milliards/Active Suspension/Clapping Music/Evenement! labels in Paris.

The Evenement All Stars! Collective was never properly elaborated, but was born out of a common desire to propose collective actions whenever possible: this happened many times in the last four years, but was never done with a proper agenda. This all changed in January 2004, when several artists were invited to perform at Vooruit, in Gent, Belgium, for the 3 x 8 hour "Event20" project. Now the people of E! All Stars want to push things a bit further into the field of artistic transversality.

They founded the "Section Amour", based on the interaction between their collective of artists and a computer software: a project of musical improvisation between artists that have played together a great number of times, and know each other very well, and thus want, after having experimented with almost every musical configurations (from laptop computers, improvisation to cheap keyboards, acoustic instruments, voices and guitars) to challenge their own collective creativity, eventually confronting it with further experimentations within the field of visual creation (beheld by musical/visual artists Davide Balula and Mehdi Hercberg).

An interactive project between artists and a computer, "Section Amour" confronts free-will and the random indications of the software, a virtual electronic score which delivers more or less precise indications, which are to be projected on a great screen, that is to be viewed by both the musicians and the audience, (indications may appear in the shape of visual material, pics or videos). Every musician is allowed a right to "veto" against either the indication provided by the program, or against the current the improvisation: this "veto" technique is the incarnation of the will of the Section Amour against the machine; and makes it alike a parody of democracy, acting along the random wills of the world it acts upon.
An "in situ" oriented project, Section Amour shall eventually fully unravel with a proper immersion within the specificities of each site of performance (city, language, inhabitants, collaborators...) a few days before the proper performance, in order to collect, gather and elaborate in situ "colors" and indications of improvisation within the memory of the software.
The goal of every residency is the eventual realization of a multimedia/audio souvenir artefact, gathering archives and edits of the material gathered and improvisations performed.

Davide Balula (Davide & Balula),
F.P. Clavel (François Pier),
Bertrand Groussard (King Q4),
Mehdi Hercberg (Shoboshobo),
Olivier Lamm : (O.Lamm),
Stéphane Laporte (Domotic),
Damien Poncet (My Jazzy Child),
Aurélien Potier (Relpot),
Raphael Seguin (Erich Zahn).
(Core collective, the number of participants may vary)



INPUT: NOURRITURES. Du 4 au 6 avril 2011. Avec Jean Pierre Nouet

Un grand merci à notre invité Jean-Pierre Nouet pour ces 3 jours absolument exceptionnels !
Merci Jean-Pierre !


Camille Schaeffner : Moulages d'une bouchée, 2011

Camille Schaeffner
Tentative de moulage d'une bouchée avec de la Gélatine, 2011

Camille Schaeffner
Moulages d'une bouchée (Terre), 2011

Cecile Haegelin : Vetements parfumés suivant un menu de la tête aux pieds, 2011

Cecile Haegelin
Vetements parfumés suivant un menu de la tête aux pieds, 2011

Penelope Yatropopulos et Mathilde Nicod : Liqueur de personnes, 2011

Penelope Yatropopulos et Mathilde Nicod
Liqueur de personnes, 2011

Diffuseur d'odeur d'ail frais

Diffuseur d'odeur d'ail frais, 2011
Davide Balula & Jean-Pierre Nouet

Laura Caglioni & Alizée Lançon : Une journée dans la bouche, 2011

Laura Caglioni & Alizée Lançon
Une journée dans la bouche, 2011
Bande sonore. 2.34 min

Pluie Pluie Pluie : Interpretation live du menu

Interprétation par le groupe musical Pluie Pluie Pluie

d'une partition textuelle basé sur un menu consommé durant les trois jours d'intervention avec Jean-Pierre Nouet.

Le menu :

L'enregistrement sonore du concert bientot en ligne.

(Remerciements aux Pluie Pluie Pluie pour leur participation.)

voir aussi : Niagara Falls & Cranberry Leaves, Davide Balula, 2011